Um Começo... Nenhum Fim

Crie seu próprio mundo

Never Ends

I can feel the cold of your heart
when it beat so close of mine, 
and your breath doesn't let you lie
when you laying here in my front of my eyes.
Your past has gone,
and the future comes
to make you wake up
And carry on...
Are their smiles amid the chaos that make me willing to fight.
Their dreams can be true, cause i live for them,
nothing in earth, hell or heaven has the light
Who shines and never end.

Before I met you, I never believe
that my heartbeat could be one with another heart
But now I know, it's true....
I won't let you down
For yourself mistakes.
I won't let you fall
from the heaven that build to us.
Are their smiles amid the chaos that make me willing to fight.
Their dreams can be true, cause i live for them
Nothing in earth, hell or heaven has the light
Who shines anda never end

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Meu mundo, minhas leis. Meus textos aqui escreverei.

Um começo, Nenhum fim é onde escrevo meus textos. Onde posso torná-los públicos.
Agradeço quem lê e espero que gostem do que eu publicar aqui.
Mas peço desculpas se algo não te agradar, uso as palavras como forma de escapar do mundo e as vezes vou longe demais tornando muitos sentimentos visíveis.

Que se faça a luz.


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